What is fear?

May I give my input? I replied to the older much respected gentleman. Fear paralyzes energy, good, positive, imaginative, limitless, untapped power. I stated it is the killer of all man’s highest and greatest aspirations. The gentleman looked at me as though I had spoken a ancient language. He said where did you hear that from young man? I replied myself! I myself have felt the conquering of conquering fear and it’s if not the most amazing accomplishment in my life today. I still have many more obstacles to cross, but fear knows my name. He smiled at me with his squinted wrinkle eyes and said what did you conquer? I said myself, I worked at a company for 13 years. Living a good life so I thought according to society. I made good money and had my own desk. What a great day at the office. I started off unloading trailers and worked my way up to a very well respected corporate soldier. I was feeling proud of what I was doing in my frontal lobe, but one day the window I sat by at my desk just hit me as if I was trapped in a glass box watching time go by as clouds, airplanes, and the sun moved away from me. I was watching this for more than 5 years. I’ve always loved nature, but this time nature was signaling me or becking me to come see what I have for you. I looked at my colleagues and asked myself why aren’t they observing what I was. Why wasn’t they feeling this void of living. I asked many questions with the young and old. What is life to you the question I posed. I got answers that not only made me realize my mindset, but showed me other people’s mindset. I was quite upset at the answers I got. I went to one older gentleman which had been their since the company started he said to me. You are in a good place now all you have to do is work till you’re my age which was (Moses time!) And you can retire at 66. I felt like I had just been pulled into a vortex when he said that age and how long I have to work. Hell I was young in my late 20s. Work till I’m 66 and then retire aka to start living. I never saw work the same after my investigation. I started on a journey through the widest and most grandest doors anyone’s mind would ever wonder in. When I say the rabbit hole goes deep it’s beyond what any irrational and rational person could think of. Wake up Neo! Morpheus typed to him. No one knows what the Matrix is, but it’s there. You must learn to recognize what’s real and what’s not. 

Signs you come from another planet. 

1. Your always looking up at the sky, just hoping to see more than what you think you see. 

2. You love people, but hate them at the same time. It’s a love hate relationship lol

3. You are considered weird and introverted. Note: your not weird, you just don’t have time to talk about useless blah blah blah. 

4. You can’t get enough of learning about the consciousness. 

5. Synchronicity happens all the time 

6. You find your home is in nature away from the chaos of the world. 

7. You are sympathetic to all creatures, insects, and etc

8. You talk to your higher self daily.

9. You talk to nature and nature talks back to you.

10. Your always thinking of how the world you have created in your mind will make everyone happy and the world a better place to live in. 

The view I keep having in my mind. 

Let’s  take a peek into my mind. Let’s explore the inner texture of my brain. 

Imagine if you will just for a minute a world without limitations. A world that sees no color, gender, and social class.  I see a world a full of love, peace,  and human oneness.  For far too long we have allowed outside forces to keep up from evolving. We have devolved from man to the most dangerous beast on planet earth. We have no regards for human life, nor do we acknowledge our down falls.  I am here to raise your spiritual level. Now I do not claim to know anything or everything. I simply speak from my mind.  My thoughts are my thoughts and my feelings are my feelings. You are free to express yourself through forms of writing, art,  and much more creative avenues.  We must embrace our connection to the universe. First you must get to know yourself, love yourself unconditionally, and practice affirmations that bring positive thoughts to your soul.  In my vision of a world that I am creating, I and so many others walk for days surveying uncharted mountains. There is so much to see and do.  We waste so much precious time doing routined jobs.  What happened to adventures!! What happened to constant laughter,  what happened to stories around camp fires.  We are children of the universe and we have lost our way. Trillions of stars lay above us each and everyday, but how many take time to look up.  Star gazing has become a lost art. We have all the resources we ever wanted. We can’t allow materialism to steal our way of life. Long after you are dead these materials will always out last you. So don’t try to keep up with the lastest gadgets.  You will never win. One must learn to be content in his mind and body.  What we seek is not the outside sources, but the inner peace that makes life all the wild to live.  Peace, love, and happiness my friend this is all we require.  It’s not sold in stores, it’s not a marketing tool,  it’s not this one thing to hoard. Life is meant to be shared with other people. We make life hard and it doesn’t have to be so.  Fix within and without will fix itself everytime. I see my vision plain as day light.  There is always hope for a better tomorrow, but we must be that hope You and Me!  

Standardized America

Standard: : something set up and established by authority as a rule for the measure of quantity, weight, extent, value, or quality. Is it safe to say every individual has their own standards? Or is it safe to assume that many follow standards giving from authoritarian figures? Let’s go back to 77 years ago and take a look at just how classrooms where structured. 1 teacher primary source of teaching. 77 years later same concept exist. hmm interesting when you look at how old the education system has become and has been for far too long. We went from a rotary dial telephone to virtually a walking you think we can make it cellphone. There is a major problem here and the elephant has left the room. There is no reason whatsoever that technology and new ideas for childrens education today to have not been changed. Where did we go wrong? I think I may have figured it out in my opinion. We have standardized everything including human beings. We must break the mold and reshape a new era of learning. We must equip the future with more info then was relayed to us. This too is a sensitive topic, but few will mention the very existence of this stagnant education regime. It’s has done nothing, but develop mis informed communities. Widely agreeable within the melaninited communities. Children can’t comprehend the style of this system. They look at the outside as so advanced, but they’re sitting in a redundant classroom.

Here is a textbook Classroom of the segregated white minorities in 1940.

Here’s a classroom with the African American students in 1940.

  • I see no difference from today. Maybe they had more windows on their school then we have now. If you are going to be upset with what has happened to our kids in this generation. Truthfully you are to blame, because of your very neglagence of their needs. Diversity didn’t occur when the black where integrated with whites. That never should have been a problem in the first place. Real diversity hasn’t happened for when it does happen. Children will be more than happy to go to a educated place and learn things that stimulates their young intuitive minds. We are so wrapped up in this world that has been thrown over our eyes. We cant see what’s the beginning or the end of the tunnel. You can put a man in the middle of a tunnel. Either direction he looks he sees the light. While he is standing there ask him which way is the end or beginning? Depending on which direction he is headed he will point to that desired opening. Well the lesson from this story is this man had an option to choose his beginning and end. Children in the United States educational system has no choice due to the wrong standards forced on them. We have made this generation lazy, and zombiefied. You speak of the children being the future, but in reality they don’t believe it neither do you. We’ve allow such insequential things to corrupt our minds.

Here’s my top 5 things that have influenced Americans today on the outcome we now see.

  1. Race=color
  2. Government propaganda
  3. Tv
  4. Social media
  5. Plain ignorance= unwilling to learn or an inability to acknowledge ones faults to correct.
  • Mankind has so much potential to have an oasis of abundance at their feet. We are given a whole world to mold and shape as we please, rather than build a world of love. We have given our souls over to forced hatred. We don’t know the first thing about love. We don’t look at humans as humans, but merely cattle for the slaughter. Standards are just opinions they don’t Validate anything or anyone. In order to bring us to a better more productive, positive, and people oriented society. We must first discard all pre-historical data. Teach real life lessons in classrooms. I’m not talking about just for the wealthy, but education shouldn’t be limited to one group. Change the layout of how a school is supposed to look. Prep more healthier meals for these little geniuses at work. We must not allow negative energy to engage in our way of thinking. We must transform instead of conforming. Build rather than tear down. Rely on our natural instincts more trust the process once it’s been established. Change can only occur individually first. Change your way of thinking and you can literally reshape the world. Believing is the same as hope. Hope builds belief and belief brings hope. We must work together and demand more of the government. We must be more informed at what our government is doing. Let’s get in on some roll calls and hear the issues and let us make smart and better decisions for ourselves. It’s time we let the stagnicity go. We have no choice, but to grow in love or watch the world around you crumble. At this present moment our brothers and sisters around the globe is dying at an unprecedented rate. Today’s your chance to save the world. How can you standardize that? Love, peace, and unity

War on America’s consciousness 

I for one am apologizing to the world as a whole for being part responsible for the chaos in the world today.  Change was never going to happen from one individual say the president or congressman or religious leaders. Change can only occur when each and every individual changes their heart, mind, body,  and soul. You are incapable  of seeing your part in this scheme of global domination. Super powers are at play and they are literally destroying countries and laying the foundation to what is really taking place. An attempt  to wake the mass population had been a failure in one aspect, but success in other perspectives. We don’t realize what goes on in the mind of every American, nor do we know what each and every individual is facing each day. This may come as a shock to some but, many Americans are struggling to survive in an inflated economy themselves.  The African American community is below poverty levels.  The Hispanic communities are terrified and competing to stay afloat like their peers. Life in the world is unbalanced and The clashing started and will also end through America. Everyone around the world is spectating what will happen next in the Usa. Many countries depend on the American public  to lead the revolution as we always have. Have we forgotten all the war on those in America that where not labeled human, those that were described and treated lower than animals. The question  still remains how can you help other countries with their dictator leaders,  when no one had corrected the dictatorship regime in America. How hypocritical of us that turn a blind eye to these devastating attrocities. We are to blame for our cowardness of not standing up for our fellow brothers and sisters across the planet.  We are no better then the regime that rains terror on us.  War of the mind can only be achieved through  realization. Realization of what some will ask? In order to keep you(Americans) unconcerned and unfeeling as I like to say.  They have to do certain things to change the chemical makeup of your brain. Deadly chemicals are placed in every product Americans use.  Every ounce of food we consume.  We are being killed silently , but there’s no silence.  We see the issues at hand, but few are courageous enough to mention it.  Social media has opened the door for free speech. It was not part of the plan but they had to give a little to get alot. America is also known for their numerous amount of sweat factories. We went from growing food outdoors to combining chemicals in a tube and calling  it food.  What is really  going on in this country.  The epidemics of diseases and illnesses run rapid in every home.  When are we going to see and feel that Anything made in a factory isn’t even close to being looked at as food. Anything made in a factory isn’t good for no one not even my worse enemy. On that not you have to see money is Also made in a factory. No one wants to believe  that’s it’s just paper! OK actually it started off as trees now it has turned to a synthetic fiber/cotton material of some sort. Me = Ha!  (Cough). My point is it’s made in a factory so it doesn’t make sense we are dying from monopoly money.  Every aspect of this life has been based off the belief and perceptions of the song called rich and mighty.  Just a side note I really never understood the whole concept of a presidential leader. The very act of one man picking what’s best for the public is ludicrous. I’ll give it to the founder fathers for that,  and that’s creating binding documents that really power the people. In 20 years from now I see the direction which life is headed. I’m sorry to say but we are going to crash in a head on collision! Take back your life, take back your freedom Americans before its too late. When we hear things that are good and bad we respond based on emotions. 

Example: 37 yr old Gerald mimickpoop has a Hollywood hills home.  Is a real estate investor and a net income of 3.3 billion. How he views life is different  from the Hispanic single mom standing at the local corner store.  She has just one goal each day survive.  Gerald on the other hand has no worries,  and doesn’t stress at the small incidents that may arise to him.  His motto “what can’t money solve”? So we have to get past the threshold that’s nailing us to the wall. The ideal not the very structure of money, but the thought that money can make you happy! If it was possible  that money makes people happy there wouldn’t be all this death of rich famous people.  Money is just another excuse  to keep ones self tied to a stigma of attachment. No one every speaks on attachment, but it can become deadly  in certain situations.  The attachment of money is the cancer that’s killing and has plagued the earth since forever. You want to find something that’s not at a selfish level.  You want to inspire others to see the real them. You want to feel like there’s a true calling that you are here to accomplish.  How can you find who you really are or who you really could become when millions of images and sound flood your brain daily. Your conscience is over loaded with this propaganda to make us (Americans) never to think. We have computers now that rig our minds through force to make us feel we need or want something. While some will beg to differ from this topic, but the data on marketing procedures are staggering. New views are being forced know the American public at an alarming rate never before done in human history. 80% of Americans read less due to overwhelming amount of TV consumption. That’s a real problem, but yet no one is writing about this. Yes, wait I am and I wont allow my mind to accept anything less. Many do not even understand the concept of what consciousness is.  We have to explore  depths that have been deemed not worth exploring. We have to have an open mind towards every economic social class. When we sit down at round tables and discuss topics to understand the problems at hand only then will we take steps towards the renewing of false indoctrination. For far too long we have lived in the shadows of the oppressors,  now it’s time for those that seek truth and love to rekindle the light of this world.  You are desperately needed, you are the hope, you are the light, and if we change the words that we speak. We become more than an idea we become the very existence of love. A mind that doesn’t think on its own, is a mind that has no thoughts. And that my friends give birth to to totalitarianism. Be wise and choose wisely what you absorb mentally. 

“I keep having the same bad dream”

Everyday i wake up and realize, I’m having the same dream as the night before. I am in a constant state of shock and depression. My mind never sleeps really and my body never wakes at all. I’m always pondering and striving for relief, but none ever seems to reach me. My heartbeat fluctuates as my eyes open each day with amazement that i’m still here or so i think. I sit at the edge of my bed and stare at the hardwood floor as if it’s my first time seeing it. My room is dark and cold, but it’s just how i  like it. It’s funny as i reach my height standing that i’m always reflecting on a childhood movie. The Tin man from “The Wizard Of Oz” i need oil he screams to Dorothy. That’s how i feel as i laugh, but it’s not funny. I’m sad, I’m tired, and I’m dreading this place called work which in my definition is modern day slavery. What is this place? I ask this everyday and I have yet to find an answer that will comfort my mind. My friends tell me all the time you think too much! My answer back to them is when you’re not thinking what are you then? Dead exactly!, Our mind is so powerful and yet so complex that you can literally put yourself in any kind of mental state you desire. We tend to fail at using the full potential of this great machine. Did you know it runs Off electricity? Yeah i gave that look too when i first discovered it. I was researching and reading the dialogue from a favorite movie of mine The Matrix. It’s there i saw it the thought provoking question that Morpheus asked Neo: What is real? If real is based off what you can see, smell, touch and feel then real is simply electrical impulses that travel from your brain. 


If your a reader that loves short get to the point type blogs well your in the right place. I’m a common guy an average working Joe. I have views just like everybody else in this great country of ours. But theirs an epidemic that’s hurting us as people more then anything else has ever. It’s called I don’t care syndrome! Have we as a human race come so far ahead of ourselves that we neglect one another. We are more angry why? We tend to stress more why? What’s so important that we will kill for it or die trying to achieve it? May I suggest something very clear to me? Stuff and more stuff is killing us. We see approximately 3’000 people in our everyday busy, rush, move out the way lives and that we fell to realize. That we work so much only to achieve a short term goal. Stuff isn’t long term what difference are we making with the people we encounter with on a daily basis! I think on these things and converse with my co-worker daily sometimes. He thinks the same way. Funny to meet someone that does. There’s a saying everybody wants somebody to do something, but when somebody does do something everybody doesn’t like it. We want change but wanting isn’t good enough anymore. We must fiend for it, fight for it, and make it happen so bad that we’re willing to die for it. One may ask why do you say die so much and I may reply what are you doing with your life! Your dying more and More every second of the day. So everyday your 24 hours closer to that great bed of rest. This isn’t a story, this isn’t fiction, it’s life and we have to change or change will become fiction, will become a story grandparents tell their kids. Remember if not anything else that I have said it takes US to make the US of A. This is my first blog but I want to get us to think about life how beautiful it can be if we all start caring simply loving one another. We’re in this together mankind. There no one coming to help there’s no one coming to save us from our own destruction we brought this among ourselves and its up to us to fix it. My challenge to you curious readers man, woman, and child is to share random acts of kindness on the social media sites let’s make something beautiful. Don’t you think we have enough ugly horrible news everyday! This is your chance to shine hope on someone to make someone’s day better just by a simple smile, a hello, a hug, and a thank you. Remember this isn’t to get praise from your acts of kindness. This is much more important then yourself. Remove yourself from the equation and fill with others. Let’s together make a real change and stop waiting on superman.

Thank you for reading hope this is encouraging above all